SOUTH TRAIL DRIVING SCHOOL, Deep South Calgary to West Southwest Calgary driving lessons
SOUTH TRAIL DRIVING SCHOOL, Deep South Calgary to West Southwest Calgary driving lessons
Lesson 1: 2 hrs
A. Meeting parent/student Introduction the school, Instructors, Police Check, Licensing etc. Driving the student to a large empty parking lot.
B. Instructor and student perform a vehicle inspection; description of size and entrance in a parking space. Student gets comfortable behind the wheel. Explanation of basic instruments (headlights, high beams, etc.) and how to use them. This type of information may be used by the examiner at the time of the road test
C. Practicing parking, backing from parking spot. Explaining rules regarding driving in a parking lot.
D. Letting the student practice and getting used to the vehicle.
E. This should take 30 minutes or less.
F. If the student demonstrates a good driving performance in the parking lot, then he will drive to a quiet residential area and apply the driving instructions.
Lesson 2: 2 hrs
A. Student drives to a Registry of choice and is briefed on what the examiner will be doing before and during a road test.
B. Student practices what is required to know in order to pass the road test; hill parking, parallel parking, left and right turns, speed control, steering control, school and playground zones, lane changing and much more.
C. Controlled and uncontrolled intersections.
Lesson 3: 2 hrs (optional)
A. Student may choose to practice driving on the highway or in town. Eye lead time, identifying signs and lines, types of highways, median intersections, how to handle a car in curves during summer and winter.
B. Multi-lane roadways questioning the legalities of passing, etc.
C. A serious conversation on how to handle friends when it gets out of control in the vehicle and the possible consequences such as a collision or a traffic violation.
D. Parents trust and concerns.
E. This lesson is geared towards students from Okotoks and South Calgary practicing driving on major highways headed to High River.
Lesson 4: 2 hrs
A: Driving in town, practicing turns at lights, parallel and hill parking, bus zones, identifying traffic control signs, loading zones, no parking, etc. (eye lead time).
B: Lots of driving!
Lesson 5: 2 hrs
A. Should be taken a day or two before a road test or the day of the road test, 2 hours prior to the test with a car rental fee of $80 available through the Bronze program.
B. Silver program includes the car which is required to do the road test during lesson 6. That is, the day of the road test.
C. Gold program includes the car which is required to do the road test during lesson 7. That is, the day of the road test. This way, the student feels more confident using the car he practiced with during his driving lessons.
Getting a class 5 Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) is a huge accomplishment for students. At Okotoks and Southtrail Driving Schools, our responsibility is to have drivers aware of safety, courtesy and responsibilities on the roads and highways.